Tuesday, September 26, 2017


So what is the one thing Mom's have the hardest time spending money on? 


Yes, that is right -As mother's there is always something or someone that is more important or who really needs something right then that the money to actually buy ourselves something is non-existent. We will go months sometimes even years without getting what we need, want or desire. 

I personally never clothes shop for myself. If I do it is usually at a thrift store and off the 50¢ rack. I have no shame as some of these items are AMAZING but sometimes you just want something new.

Well, I come to give you this advice, when ever you come across an advertisement for "free first box" and "cancel subscription anytime" you should do just that. I signed up for BootayBag.com who was offering a free first subscription box. After completing my registration and entering my debit card info I was automatically signed up for my free box. Once I received my confirmation (which happened within 15 minutes) I re-entered my account and canceled my subscription. By doing this it halted any future boxes being ordered or charged. Today in the mail I received my 2 free pair of women's underwear! 

Take Note: You MUST, MUST, MUST CANCEL the subscription or you WILL BE CHARGED. This is part of your legwork in getting these deals the way to have them be FREE.

Best way to locate the boxes - GOOGLE!

Hope this helps you gain some more free goodies.

RBHW (Real Broke Housewife)

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