Friday, October 20, 2017

Let me tell you a funny story. My tale of avoidance for so long...


If I could have typed that above statement BIGGER and BOLDER I would have so I could demonstrate the true hatred I have for exercise. Who in the world thought to themselves , "not only must we work, sleep, take care of our families and cook, but we also will need to run until we can't breath and sweat all over ourselves and our favorite pair of yoga pants. Then do push ups til our arms burn and feel like they are going to fall off. Ya, that is just not something I am in to. 

My mom did have a membership to a local gym in my hometown called the RDV Sportsplex (look it up it's a pretty cool place) . I always went as her "guest" but mainly spent time in their cafe gulping down some killer smoothies or I would wonder on over to the skating rink and watch everyone else go through tutorials on how to skate around the circle. And last but not least...and my most favorite thing to do at the gym. The SAUNA. OMG If I could have one of those in my house I don't think I would ever leave home.

So as much as I hate exercise when your pushing up in age and you finally start to realize, hey maybe I need to pay attention to these fatty flabs of skin under my arms or that my muscle mass has been greatly decreasing, I decided it was time to make a change. Now don't go getting to excited for me. I didn't sign up for a lifetime membership at the local gym and I didn't go hire a personal trainer to start me on a new journey to health and enlightenment. What I did do was go on Amazon and order something I have always been interested in after seeing so many infomercials and advertisements for them. The resistance band. 

I landed on the Phantom Fit Resistance Bands and I am actually super happy about my decision. They arrived today and I was so thrilled I had to share ASAP. First off, they are purple. So cute!  Not a big stand out color purple more like a lavender shade, very pretty. The handles are solid and are more comfortable then you would think with an online order. The padding is just enough that your hands do not get sore but thin enough to not get in your way of a good solid grip. The band itself feels very durable and the one I purchased has a weight capacity of 40-45 pounds. It came with its own nice storage case too.

Now, here is what I love so much about the Phantom Fit band. I literally feel like I am standing on a rubber band. The resistance and ease of spring back action is amazing. I was trying all the positions that were shown on the manual that came included and each was so simple to follow and actually fun to do. My kids loved watching me so much and were cracking up laughing. Each one of them took a turn "working out with it" to determine which one of them was the strongest kid.

As much as I despise exercise, and that is something that will never change, I can see myself utilizing this on a daily basis. Though I do not aim for buns-of-steel, I do aim for a little toning of some areas that need a little extra help. These Resistance bands are top notch and I highly recommend them. 

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