Saturday, September 23, 2017

A Real Housewife....Just Not a Rich One

I'm a Housewife....Just not the kind you are thinking of!

Yes, I am a housewife but not the type of housewife you watch on t.v. You know the ones I am talking about - They run around all day in beautiful dresses and high heels. They have brunches and late night dinners at fancy bistro's and all the greatest hot spots in town. They lead a lavish lifestyle that almost seems to never consist of a day of actual work.  And, last but not least, their hair and make-up is always perfection...Ya, that's not me. :)

I am the other type of housewife. The one that raises 4 kids, hair is almost always a mess, and I'm lucky if I can get a new outfit on that stays clean past an hour. My boyfriend is always out of town working to keep our family afloat in these difficult times and though I am able to stay home I was finding myself struggling to gain an income substantial enough to make a big impact in our families financial future.

Over time and a lot of research I have had the greatest opportunity of exploring very simple, straightforward, and honest ways to earn an income and now I want to share those with you. You do not have to struggle through life as a mother, father, wife or husband. You can make a difference for you. Please follow my blog as I share these methods. Ask questions, get involved. I hope this helps you as much as it has me. 

Sincerely Yours,
RBHW (Real Broke HouseWife)

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